Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Politics are Every Where

Ten years ago it would have probably seemed very unlikely for Rosie O'Donnell to get into a fight with a cohost over politics on a day time talk show.  Rosie has always been outspoken, but she has also always been commercial.

There is something to say for our society when politics start bubbling up in shows like the view, especially when those bubbles pop and turn into brawls resulting in resignations. 

Now, Rosie did bring a number of viewers to The View but its unlikely that here departure from the show will slow down business for new york ticket broker that are offering tickets to The View.  It does however indicate that the networks are letting these fights take place.  They know that the issues are important enough to everyday Americans that they can make money off of conversations and even fights about them on air.

Rosie may be gone, but its probably likely that she will be replaced by someone just as vocal against the war.

Maybe we could expect a call from producers to Barbara Streisand and then we might witness dueling Barbaras!

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