Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Al Gore Stirs Controversy In U.K.

Al Gore’s award winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” is stirring up controversy again in the outdoor kitchen we call Earth.  The thing is, this time it is doing so on an inconvenient scale. The film, which has been distributed to schools in the United Kingdom, has been viewed as containing a number of inaccuracies and biases according to lawyer Paul Downes who represents the claimant who is a school governor in Dover.

The DVD will be distributed to 3,500 secondary schools in the nation as part of a government funded environmental education program. Critics claim that the inaccuracies stated in the film are politically driven and in fact the film is, as Paul Downes states, "just over half scientific material, 30 percent pure politics and about 20 percent sentimental mush - mush there to soften up the viewer for persuasion." The DVD is distributed to schools with a packet that attempts to balance out the presentation as well as inform students that the film is an individual’s view of scientific fact.


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