Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pat Robertson Chooses a Catholic over a Mormon

So what? 

That was my first response when I heard that Pat Robertson was endorsing Rudy Giuliani for the Republican Nomination.  I do not care what Pat Robertson thinks, nor who he wants to vote for.  In fact, if anything, I probably like Giuliani less now that Pat has given him the nod.

Maybe Pat's real motivation here is to get out in front of the religious right, make his recommendation and hope to set himself up in a power play like he set the christian right agenda this time instead of someone else.  His only issue might be if Rudy displays some other vices sometime in the future, maybe pulling a monic lewinsky out of his hat or admitting himself for drug treatment

Do you supose people submit political candidates to drug screenings before endorsing them?

So is it really a christian power play or a Republican power play?

That seems to be the question here.

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