Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Voter preparation

So first I woke up about 7:12 am after crashing at 1:12 am last night. I donned my hacker safe t-shirt and my charlie brown sweater as symbols of what I hope to avoid today.

As I write this, I am emptying my flash cards from my cameras. Then I'm going to run by the gas station and by several coke zeros before heading to the polls.

I'm packing 2 digital cameras, a cam corder, my aircard, laptop, voice recorder and xshot photostick.

I'm brushing my teeth while I type and I still need to shave, but then I'll be ready to go. The kids are staying home with their grandfather (long time non voter in protest). My wife voted a couple days ago after waiting in early voting lines for a couple hours. I'm betting lines will be short after early morning workers clear out of the way.

I have no idea who I will vote for. I am unlikely to vote for John McCain. I'm leaning towards voting for Bob Barr to continue supporting Libertarians and 3rd parties, or possibly Barack Obama, who still even on the day of the election reminds me of George W Bush in the way he panders to his base.

I've ruled out John McCain because he just does not seem to be the leader I thought he was in the 90's. So, who knows. :)

Guess its a crap shoot for me this year. I'd like to see the country to come together and I'd like to see the energy policy that Obama promises, but given his background in politics, I seriously doubt that he will do it.....

We'll see, and I'll let you know.

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