Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mistress Describes Osama's perogative for Whitney

On a regular basis many people are surprised to learn that crazy people think and act crazy.  Please don't mis-understand my perspective towards crazy people.  Some of my closest friends and family are crazy, but I too am sometimes surprised at the manifestations of their thoughts and acts. 

Now many of us are hearing the important news of the day regarding Osama Bin Laden, notably one of the most famous crazy people in recent history.  Now I'm not going to review whether he is good or bad in this article, at issue here is that he is above all else crazy.

I will not posit evidence of his craziness as applying the subjective label of craziness is just that a subjective label and thus positing evidence is a waste of time that does not strengthen the case for crazy nor does ignoring it weaken the case for crazy.  Crazy is crazy.

We learn via The New York Post (reportedly off skew interpretation) of a book about Osama bin Laden written by his ex-mistress and a former soap opera writer, who's credibility with those two credentials could never be questioned by any crazy person.  The book describes Osama's infatuation with singer (sometimes reportedly crazy herself) Whitney Houston.

Osama via the NYP and book reportedly in addition to his hate for almost everyone else in the world also has a color rule that dictates whom he will or will not marry.  According to the former mistress and soap writer, Osama openly contemplated adding Whitney to his group of wives, which Osama claimed would have been an exception that possibly made his color rule.  So surprise in this one, the reports are claiming that Osama is racist and we now have an additional reason to despise the man.

Now, Kola Boof, the former mistress and former writer for "Days of Our Lives" or DoOL as is commonly used in Blogs according to reported sources that cannot be verified, also claims that she either was or was not a sex slave of Osama's depending on where you get your news.  If you read your news in the US, you will probably read that she was a sex slave, but if you read your news in Bulgaria, you will learn that she does not consider herself a former sex slave and indeed finds the concept of being called a sex slave racist and insulting, but does not feel that claiming to be the former mistress of Osama was insulting nor listening to his prattle about Whitney or his color rules for marriage.

Now, some might think that Osama was just caught up in the unadulterated media hype of love and attention focussed on Whitney in her hey day.  He reportedly loved her voice and thought she was beautiful.  Whitney according to Boof was not a passing fancy for Osama, in fact Osama openly talked about having Whitney's husband Bobby Brown killed to potentially open the door to Osama for a relationship.  Apparently in Osama's version of the Koran, killing a husband is a perfectly acceptable means to winning the heart of that man's wife and marrying her and setting her up in a mansion in Khartoum.

Now, reportedly (I'd hate to libel Osama or Boof here as their credibility is surely undeniable.) Boof will make an appearance on MSNBC to counter the NYP reports that she was a sex slave.  She after all has a name to protect and a book about her sexcapades with Osama to sell, and no one would read her book if they doubted the integrity of the writer due to forced sexual bondage or bad writing on DoOL.

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