Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Was Right the First Time Michael J Fox was Faking! . . .

Well, no actually he wasn't.  Limbaugh had it all wrong. 

Limbaugh was just doing what he always does and what this poor excuse for a blog article just did as an illustration of what Limbaugh does.

Limbaugh was glamming for the headlines, the attention, his hardcore listeners and the no bad press is good press attitude that made Limbaugh and Stern and many other radio jocks famous.  Limbaugh would say that Christopher Reeves was faking death if he thought he could get another listener or a little more media attention.  I say this as a fan of Limbaugh.  I like listening to his show.

I don't agree with half the things he says, maybe not even a third or a quarter.  He's a shock jock.  He's entertaining.  He's an entertainer.

I don't always agree with Howard Stern, even though maybe more than I do with Limbaugh, but Howard Stern is entertaining (especially on a good day).

Bottom Line

Stem Cell Research needs to advance.  It needs to advance such that humanity can advance.  It needs to be encourage and not discouraged so that we can learn as a country how to utilize the knowledge and technology that will come with the research with wisdom.

The US needs to be involved and engaged in this research in order to keep up with the research being performed by countries all around the world.

Here is Michael J Fox's short ad followed by Limbaugh's retort - You be the Judge

So Rush is bascially saying that Michael J Fox came off his medication before taping the ad or before he went to testify before congress, insinuating that being off the medication would result in more visual movements to highlight the effects of Parkinsons.

To this I say, true or false so what.  The effects are still there.  The best way to silence Michael J Fox on this issue would be to cure Parkinsons -> Enter stem cell research!

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