Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, August 31, 2007

CNN Expects Gay Republican Senator to Flame Out for Good

CNN is reporting that Republican Senator Craig of Idaho is expected to flame out and resign effective September 30th.  The senator is embroiled in a controversy over both his sexuality as well as the lurid allegations by the investigating officer that sat in a restroom stall next to the soon to be former Senator.  He will probably settle down to retire (out of state) and spend some time on the links knocking around golf balls instead of picking up toilet paper on the floor in restroom stalls in the airport.

During their encounter the Senator is alleged to have spied through the crack of the stall doors multiple times, reached under the stall with his left hand, and touched the police officer with his leg before the police officer revealed his badge.

Republicans seem to be very embarrassed about this latest scandal for multiple reasons:

  • They can't accept yet another homosexual politician in their midst
  • They aren't happy with the revelation of yet another ReStallSexual politician in their midst (ReStallSexuals are politicians that enjoy being outed in restroom sex stings.)
  • They aren't happy to lose such a strong proponent of heterosexual family values.
  • They are even unhappy about losing a Senator and exposing the party to a Senate seat defeat in 2008.

Note the headline reference of Senator Craig Flaming out is a reference to a CNN quote and not my own writing.

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