Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Santa will be Sad without Safe Goods for Christmas?

SadSanta-Takeshis-Hiraoka-portfolio With all the product recalls of kids toys and things that kids really like or use, it's going to be very hard for parents to come up with safe Christmas gift ideas this year. You might avoid the Barbie doll because they are poisoned with lead and choose crayons (Koreans according to the voice recognition program I’m using) or colored markers or even water colors hoping to inspire the artist in your child only to discover that that's poisoned with lead also. It's downright crazy that we can't trust the products that we’re buying, however the reality of the situation is that we are consumeraholics (consumer a hall ask per DNS9), this is sometimes referred to as affluenza (affluent plus influenza equals affluenza).

It's enough to make Santa Claus Sad.

We are shopaholics too. We buy things just to buy things and we teach our kids to want things just to want things. Maybe the best christmas gift idea this year will be to buy nothing at all. Think about it, a Christmas with no gifts, not because Christmas did not come, but because Christmas didn't need to come in the form of gift giving.

Instead of spending that money on potentially poisoned stuff for your young ones, we can take a trip go on a vacation, see something interesting, or share some time together. There are a number of alternatives to celebrating Christmas or any holiday that don't have to require buying a lot of junk especially buying junk that's poisonous.

I'm sure that my suggestions here will go completely ignored and that Christmas will come in the form of gift ideas, but this year when people go to return stuff, They may find that they are returning stuff not just because the kids fell out of love with the item a day or two after Christmas, but because those things are on the brand-new recall list of items poisoned with lead paint.

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