Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Bush Acts the Coward and Hides Behind Yet Another General

President Bush, our Commander in Chief, has shown cowardice yet again this week.  Instead of standing up as the leader of our troops and of our country, he has chosen as is his pattern to hide behind a sacrificial General. 

He sent General and Secretary of State Colin Powell to sacrifice himself at the UN.  He did the same thing with a series of generals following the Abu Grahib scandal.  He has since gone through General after General most recently settling on General Patraeus to venture to Congress to profess the utter garbage that the Surge is working.

Bush didn't even wait for the General to get out of town, before he stepped in to dismiss the General's politicized assessments and tell everyone that a small draw down would take place.  That move, shortly after Patraeus said that things were progressing basically undermined yet another General's credibility.

These days its hard to tell who is the bigger coward, and I do not use that term lightly as I have a high degree of respect for officers in the military, President Bush for hiding behind Generals or the Generals that allow themselves to be used as pawns.  The military is supposed to serve and protect the constitution and not undermine it when a coward is unable to stand up and take responsibility for his actions.

If President Bush were not a coward, he would not send a sacrificial lamb from the military to spout bull, he would go make the case himself.  The President can not do that because he doesn't have the credibility nor the courage and opts instead to stand in the wings protected by Generals and adult diapers.  Regardless, the Generals are only loosing their credibility, their self respect, their pride, and the opportunity to protect the Constitution.  While the President and his men follow this destructive path, Privates and Sergeants and Lieutenants and others are paying with their lives and limbs.

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