Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Inter-Racial Romance

There was a time in the United States not so long ago when the concept of Inter-Racial Romance was entirely taboo.  That taboo was based largely in prejudiced or racists beliefs and to some extent a reliance on the status quo of not rocking the boat.

Now anyone that has read this blog probably has started to grasp the notion that I am a firm believer in rocking the boat for the boat's sake in part and in part because the status quo is too often converted into dogma and then turned into something much uglier and dangerous. 

Now, I have been married for almost 14 years now and so I am no where near being active in the dating scene.  That said, I find the concept that there is a site dedicated towards promoting interacial romance fantastic.

I'm not suggesting that people should get together just because they are from a different race.  But I do think that people should come together without a concern for the race of their potential partners.  I completely buy into the concept that America, all the Americas for that matter, have been strengthened significantly by the melting pot effect.  Our culture, our history, even our gene pool is much richer for the diversity that we have shared and the diversity that we can share in the future.

Furthermore, I think its very healthy for young people today to be open minded to the concept of interracial dating.  Again it helps us as a people get to know each other better.  When we date we are learning something about a potential partner, their family, their history, their culture, background, race and more.  Plus, we are sharing that same information with them.  We are in effect each ambassadors and bridge builders to the world and each of these romances and relationships are opportunities to help bring the world together a little closer.

Final Point

In this article I am specifically referring to the concepts of interracial dating and romance in part because I wanted to hold up the example of the website that I had found on the topic.  Personally, I just view it as dating or romance.  To put the word 'interracial' in front of those terms is kind of like putting the word 'blue' in front of sky or 'wet' before water.  I suspect there will come a day when races cease to exist in large part due the combining of races from around the world. 

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