Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Comparing Days in Office Obama v. Palin

I'm not saying that Palin has more or less experience than Obama, as far as being President/VP goes, I think they are both lacking in experience.

That said here are the details of the length of their political experience in an actual office requiring an election so everyone can draw their own conclusions.

*Caveat Palin has 365 days of experience serving as an appointee of the Governor of Alaska responsible for $1.3 trillion in oil, no election required, similar to a cabinet position at a state level.

**Caveat Obama is running for President, Palin is running for Vice President, Obviously if Obama is compared to McCain (also running for President) this time comparison of experience would not be remotely close.

*** Caveat Obama has spent 575 of his 1336 days as a Senator campaigning around the country for the office of President. He served 761 days as Senator before starting his campaign for President compared to Palin's 634 days served as Governor before running for Vice President.

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Now, all this comparison of days served has some meaning, but is definitely not the only fact that will drive voters to the polls. I only point it out here to try and remove a little of the exaggeration that is being bandied about by the press and talking heads and people that have more gold watches than common sense.

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