Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The McCain/Palin ticket and 'limited government'

It doesn't take eyeglasses to see that this image has been photoshopped, but it does none-the-less make a valid point. Anyone that seriously considers John McCain has to consider the potential of Governor Sarah Palin to jump in and take over the United States Executive Branch at a moments notice.

I found the below comment earlier today, and it likely reflects some of the perspective and tone that John McCain will have to face in the future. The question though will be one of can Democrats or Obama supporters get away with making vagina jokes about a Vice Presidential candidate without eventually upsetting women across the country and even women within their own base, still reeling from the over looking of their own female candidate.

What does Log Cabin Republican support of this ticket say about support by gay conservative men for the individual rights of women? Sarah Palin does not believe in reproductive freedom, and doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work (like their man McCain). This is troubling. Does limited government only extend to those without vaginas? Image via Jesus' General. http://tinyurl.com/6dgewd

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