Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just Watched Recount

I just finished watching Recount with Kevin Spacey. It was indeed a pretty good movie. I lived in Palm Beach County during the 2000 election so I did experience a lot of the things in the movie first hand. However, I worked then too, so much of it was experienced at night after work on the news and reading updates on the internet.

Back then I was working for Motorola and trying to help Verizon Wireless form. As it turns out, I might have been better off if I had paid less attention to Verizon Wireless (let them fold in their own problems at the time) and paid closer attention to national politics.

Then again, I'm not sure that paying more attention would have helped. I did pay attention and had been paying attention for many years. I thought Gore and Bush were two of the worst candidates that our country has ever seen. Since then President Bush has been able to confirm that I was definitely half right. I suspect that I was actually 100% right, but in this universe I can't confirm that Al Gore truly was the other worst candidate.

In Gore's defense he has been a much better non-President than he ever was a Senator or Vice President. Ironically, he has probably even done more good for the country since leaving politics than he ever did while he was serving in office. His attacks against Twisted Sister during Senate hearings were even more absurd than recent hearings in the Senate covering steroids in baseball that were about as surreal as watching Leslie Nielsen run a reality show featuring a Hydroxycut review.

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