Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lake Going Up in Steam Everyday

This morning, I'm eating some breakfast, drinking a diet mountain dew and watching the news. In the background I'm watching the steam rising up like fire off the lake.

I was having an idle daydream speculation wondering just how much water we lose every day from steam off the lake. Our lake is heated by a coal power plant. (The lake was actually created with damns to give power plants water to cool their systems.)

The plant couldn't function without the lake, which is why the plant's owner built the lake. Water an electricity often go together like food and people. The plants rarely can get away from the need for water unlike humans that can go several days with out and even a couple days without desiring it if they have some hoodia root handy.

The thing is that before the lake, the water used to flow into a river or sink down into the underground aquifer. Now that we are running into water shortages, I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the system. Maybe the heating of the lake water actually sends more water into the air through some type of super evaporation process (water evaporating both from the water and from the steam in the air).

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