Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Problem Pastor the Sequel - Obama Goes Catholic

The title is intended to be a zinger because I'm getting tired of Obama's Pastor problems. I'm starting to wonder why Obama doesn't and hasn't bailed from his church.

Not for the obvious reason that the US was founded on a very strong belief in the separation of church and state and maybe all elected officials should drop out of their church before they take public office just so that they will not be corrupted by the influences of some of the oldest most powerful organizations in the world, churches, temples, mosques etc.

But just because his church and his pastors are really going over the top ridiculous. I mean, does this guy want to be President or does he want to run for President and lose?

That's pretty much the question that Barack Obama, not the press,not the democratic party,not hillary or bill, have forced him to decide and answer.

The Audio

If you haven't already seen or heard this audio on the news, let me give you some background information to put the audio in context:

-the speaker calling Hillary Clinton a white supremacist is caucasian

-the speaker worked on Obama's campaign until he resigned 2 weeks ago

-the speaker is speaking at Obama's current church

-the speaker has spoken at Obama's church many times in the past

-the speaker is a Catholic Priest

-the speaker made these comments 6 days ago on Sunday

-the speaker has already publicly apologized for his own sermon

-the cheering in the background comes from members of Obama's church

-the speaker has been active in defending Louis Farrakhan in recent weeks

-Obama's campaign has called the sermon divisive and backward but has not denounced the claims that Hillary is a white supremacist

So, I ask everyone, do we really want to hear from crazy pastors, ministers, rabbis, preachers, caliph or mullah, or maybe even a scientology leader(not sure what they call their religious leaders, Chief Clear?) that passes through Obama's church on a regular basis.

I think we'd all be better off if Obama went religiously neutral and dropped out of the church. I'm not saying that is good for Obama or his family or anything. He's got to make his own choices. I wouldn't want my kids to have some nut job like this reading a children's book to them, but if that works for the Obama's that is their choice.

However, I think that it would be good for America because I do not think we need more division in this country inspired by the people that Barack Obama chooses to accept into his house of worship and political campaign as spiritual advisors.

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