Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Problem Pastor the Sequel - Obama Goes Catholic

(Hey Craig, I think we kind of agree.)

I think the preachers are getting to much air time. However, that said, I think the religious right empowered the preachers to get the air time, and I also think that Obama has been drinking from same cool aid and is now learning that when you summon a religious demon you can't put it down easily, even when it comes in the form of your pastor or your guest pastor or your spiritual guru or advisor.

To let the media defend themselves, the audio is Tucker Carlson explaining why the media should be looking into this and more importantly why Barack Obama needs to answer.

imho Obama needs to explain why he is receiving guidance and mentorship these guys.

The second thing you mention is looking at things from a different perspective. There is no doubt in my mind that there are definitely problems in the country and some of those are racial, but does anyone other than Obama's last two preachers think that Hillary Clinton feels that she was 'entitled to win the election because she is white' as this latest crack pot claims.

I criticized Hillary a long time ago and on multiple occasions for her entitlement to the presidency actions. It was a stupid political move, but I don't think she felt entitled because she was white. I think she felt entitled because she's been in the White House before and because she thinks she has paid her dues.

Regardless, entitlement is very close to one of the words that I think is very evil, and that is gratitude. Hillary acted as if we the people owed her gratitude for past service and this was enough to put her in the White House. I do not think as this guy claims that she expected to be put into the White House because her skin color matched the paint on the exterior.

This was the same problem with Jeremiah Wright. He turned a critical eye to issues that definitely needed a critical eye. The problem is that he was so subjectively flawed himself viewing a racist bogeyman behind every corner that the arguments that he made that had some merit were then made laughable by the ones that were crazy.

Wright and this last guy are taking the bully pulpit that Obama has given them and they are using it to expose partial truths with a bunch of nonsense. When it comes to actual problems of racism, their actions actually prove more detrimental to improving the country because they sprinkle lunacy on their political cereal for breakfast.

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