Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Howard Dean's Divisive Response -Meet The Press

Here is Howard Dean's response on Meet the Press to the Governor of Michigan (Hillary supporter) who wants his State to have representation in the Democratic Primaries.

Even if Michigan broke the rules, it seems to me that Dean's attitude is divisive and is not helping the situation one bit at all. That makes me suspect that his tone and demeanor going into the planning of the primaries was probably also divisive and may have escalated the tensions that resulted in Michigan taking the action that it took.

If the Democrats lose this election cycle, I suspect that the blame can be easily associated with Howard Dean. If the Democrats win the election in November, I suspect that it will be despite Howard Dean.

What do you think? Does Howard Dean need to go after this cycle is over? Is it time for Dean to pack the moving boxes and get out of the way of Democrats looking for change and success?

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