Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bibles and Trees at odds with each other?

Four to five hundred years ago the Gutenberg press was one of the most important inventions that literally has changed the world. It was used to print the Gutenberg Bible, which in essence created a tempest in a teapot for the religions of the world especially the Christian religion. Up until that time your average person did not and could not own a bible because Bibles had to be hand written typically by monks copying from one bible to the next. The invention of the press started to make it feasible initially for rich families and then for many families around the world to own their own Bible. This enabled people to study the 'Word of God' so they thought by themselves without the assistance of a Catholic priest to interpret the good juicy parts for them.

Now today the Catholic Church has come a long way as in they offer catholic bibles to anyone, whereas a few hundred years ago they discouraged everyone from owning any type of bible. The world is changing again however, we are currently running out of trees and the planet is suffering from what might someday be determined to be a global meltdown. Christians are just starting to wake up to the fact that the planet their God gave them is being destroyed by their own hands and they're starting to vote to protect a green Earth.

Now this goes against the religious dogma of many centuries and preached that the land animals and everything on it were put here and created for man to use as he saw fit. Apparently man is it really fit to use the Earth all the time in any way he might choose. So that leaves the question of what will happen to Bibles. There are already Bibles online and audio Bibles and video Bibles too.

Will we see a day when religions not just Christian religions but Jewish and Islamic and Buddhist and many others determined that their religious beliefs should not be recorded on paper?

Might we see a day when trees are not destroyed so that a Bible can be thrown into a dresser drawer of a motel to be forgotten and ignored for decades?

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