Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Romney-Giuliani wedding Bells ringing?

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When an unlikely couple ties the knot, we sometimes have to search and think hard to figure out or find unique wedding favor ideas.  Our Sponsor The Knot Wedding Shop provides just this type of service according to their recent release and we might call upon them to find a favor for a likely pair from the NorthEast that could seek to tie the knot next summer, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.

If we follow the money as of fundraising for the first quarter, it would indicate that our Republican ticket will lineup to include Romney and Giuliani.  It's unsure who would actually be on the top of that ticket as Giuliani appears to have the popularity while Romney has the money.  If the election of 2000 tells us anything, it tells us that money is more important than popularity.  George Bush outspent Al Gore in 2000, and Al Gore was more popular in 2000 but George Bush still became president.

This suggests to me that Romney will probably emerge on top the Giuliani is a potential CEO like Vice President following in the footsteps of Dick Cheney.

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