Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Corzine Pays his Own Bills - That's Just Silly

Governor Corzine of New Jersey was recently in a very bad car accident. He's been in the hospital for several days trying to recuperate after undergoing several surgeries. He was not wearing a seatbelt when his car was involved in an accident where a different driver hit his vehicle and fled the scene.

He announced today that he is not going to utilize his state's insurance to pay for his medical bills, which is rather peculiar. Is he trying to say that he's above using the state insurance? Or that it's his fault that the state insurance should be taxed in such a way?

People do stupid things all the time in their insurance pays the bills. Is he trying to say that he's less stupid because he is rich enough to pay his own medical bills?

What if he passed away in that accident? Would his family have foregone the Funeral Insurance to pay for his burial or would they have saved taxpayers the expense of interring his body in the state capital in New Jersey?

this ploy really seems kind of silly when you think about it he should use the insurance and not make a big deal out of it. If he feels guilty for not wearing a seat belt and getting more injured that he might have been if he'd worn one that he should do something about that and deal with it directly as opposed to trying to decrease his fault by paying his own bill.

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