Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Pork Barrel Spending Suppressants - For Politicians

It would seem that time and time again politicians have eyes that are much bigger than their stomachs. They want their pork and they want with icing on top and they want it with the cherry soda on the side. It's very unlikely that our politicians and heard of the concept of appetites suppressants such as ionamin , but maybe that's the type of thing we need for our politicians. An appetite suppressant that they have to take when they go to Washington. I'm not referring to the fancy dinners that they've gotten in trouble for recently excepting freebies and not having to pick up the tip at expensive restaurants. I'm talking about appetite suppressant for spending.

I'm happy that Democrats are holding President Bush to the fire with the spending bill lately, but it would appear that they are loading the bill up with pork which will give him play and excuses other than Iraq deadlines to veto the bill. I am not for the time lines that Democrats are proposing, I am however very much for keeping President Bush in check because I don't think he's doing a good job. Of course he's promised to veto the bill and I don't doubt him and his sincerity. As a president he has one of the largest pork barrel appetites the country's ever seen, and in that alone it's actually somewhat surprising that he promised to veto this bill.

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