Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Bob Dole and his Pen

Do you recall that Bob Dole used carry around a pen in his hand?

He had a war wound from World War II and carried her out a pen partly so that people wouldn't mistakenly attempt to shake his hand I believe the one that was damaged in the war.

I voted for Bob Dole when he ran for president, and I even met him jogging once in South Florida. At the time he was in much better shape than I was Or at least he was more experienced a jogging and the humidity of South Florida.

Regardless as I look back speculate that if Bob Dole unelected president and be out President Clinton we might have avoided some of the problems that we've had over the last few presidencies. We would have probably never heard about Monica Lewinsky. It's possible that a President Dole would have responded differently in the late 90s and also would have been more on top of things in 2001 possibly treating the threats expressed by Al Qaeda more seriously in preventing 9/11.

I was thinking about all this today as a result of a pen I received from a business colleague. Hadn't seen in a while but the pen reminded me to reach out and contact them and see other are doing in ketchup on business. That made me speculate what would happen if Bob Dole had carried around a number of promotional pens on them and said 'vote for me!'

Then every person that would have met him and so shaken his hand would've been given the pen and maybe he might've picked up a few more votes, such could have been the power of custom pens.

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