Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Gridlock is Back And not a moment too late!

Pelosi swarn in for first day in congress with grandchildren to witness The Democrats took control of the Senate this week and not a moment too soon.  Republicans have shown themselves to be completely democratic in their spending self control(as in spending like a democrat as opposed to spending in a democratic majority rules sort of way, but either description fits).

It is likely that America can trust the Democrats to stop the Republicans from spending up the national debt as frivolously as they have since 2000.  Its not that Democrats have any better sense of self control themselves, but they do have a lot of built up spite and animosity and blocking Republican spending is a sure fire way to seek retribution.

Fortunately, spending retribution brought to us in the form of gridlock is exactly what Americans need.  Not only will it help to keep the debt from getting any worse than it already is, but it will help cool off the economy just a bit, which might make it possible for the Fed to bring us all a nice present by next Christmas if not the summer after that. 

Now all the Democrats need to do is to find a winner of a presidential candidate.  That is going to be difficult as all of their front runners look like losers and the Democrats are likely to take their 2006 win and assume that it will translate into 2008 momentum.  That could be possible, but only if they find a winner of a candidate.  Their 2006 win does not lock them in to a sure fire admittance back into The White House.


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