Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

More Arkansas Candidates Than We can Shake our Heads At

What is it about Arkansas that turns out Presidential candidates? 

Republican Mike Huckabee the former Arkansas Governor has announced that he is going to run for President.  That will pit him against long time Arkansas resident Hillary Clinton, now supposedly residing in New York via Washington DC, but really camping herself out in her would be home state of Iowa.

The I heart Huckabee's candidate is hoping to be the optomistic candidate for the Republicans, which will pit him directly against John Edwards, the optomistic candidate for the Democrats.  He is probably most famous for losing weight and pushing his constituency to live and eat healthier.  He was named as one of the five best governors by Time magazine, which pegs him in the top 10% (lot of math involved in that one.)

He also favors a flat tax(unlikely) opposes laws allowing abortion(so he is another moral Republican) and to cement that last assessment says that his religious beliefs are central to his life.

So he is hoping to attract the conservative right in the primaries and this will likely push him too far away from the swing voters come election day.

Bottom line, he does have much of a chance in todays political environment, and his Arkansas heralding oponent probably would have him for lunch, whether it was healthy or not.

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