Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Do Dollar Coins increase or Decrease Gridlock?

The mint is rolling out golden dollar bill coins, again.  They are trying to save money on reprinting costs for new dollar bills that replace old bills that get to worn out.

But do we really need a new coin, again?

New 2007 Gold Coin from US Mint It seems that the mint is continually trying to sell us on a dollar coin.  If they think its such a great idea, why do they spend so much time and money coming up with new designs?  Pick a coin and stick with it.  The quarter worked just fine for decades. 

even at the Mint you have to spend money to make money . . .

There was no solid reason for making the print look special with multiple state designs, but I suspect working at the mint gets a little dull.  And even at the Mint you have to spend money to make money, literally!

I just hope they stick with the same coin.  All this back and forth on the issue doesn't help the coin get established.

First four Presidents on New 2007 Gold Coin from US Mint

It probably doesn't help that the Mint selected Nixon as a model for one of the new dollar coins(Granted that coin will not be available for about 9 years as they are doing 4 coins per year starting with the first four Presidents and working their way up). 

Who's next King George? 

(the original not the current imposter to the throne)

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