Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Political Video Wars

This year possibly more than any other in history will provide more political videos and ads than have ever been seen before.  Several services have made it easy for people to share videos that they snap.  Now more services are popping up that makes it easier to mash pictures and slide shows together with a soundtrack.

FlipTrack.com is a great example.  They provide music sound tracks that are safe to use legally (They have the rights not only to share but to mash together with your images.)

You upload your images and you can then use their software to insert the pictures itno the songs, transitioning the songs at key inflection points in the music or lyrics.  FlipTrack doesn't let you use your own sound files for copyright protection reasons, plus their simple editing software uses a proprietary file format that makes the editing experience easier.

Once you have it put together you can rapidly share it on a blog or website or in an email.  In the recent past the option to share was key, now the option to make it easy to make videos slide shows and parodies and protests, even ads is the new important step in captializing on the internet.

Above is an example of a video that someone has shared on the service.


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