Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Wrong Stuff for VP may Make Right Stuff for President

Senator John Edwards official photo from johnedwards.com Presidential Candidate and former Senator John Edwards expressed his sadness over the initial feud of the Democratic nomination race for President between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Edwards said that the row between the candidates have entertainment value, but did not have any value for a country "faced with a war and huge challenges at home."  He went on to state, "These sort of back-and-forth personal interactions I don't think are helpful for America."  Edwards appears to be trying to stick to the positive high road, a role that he is most comfortable in driving.  The 2004 Presidential campaign with Edwards as Vice President showed that he did not quite have the ability to stand up to a tough as nails Vice President Cheney, forcing Senator Kerry the Presidential candidate to do some of the down in the trenches mud flinging often reserved for VP's so that the Presidential Wannabe can look . . . Presidential.

Edwards did not help his team win in 2004 by not attacking, but taking the high road may have kept his own image fresh and innocent enough to make this run now in 2008.  It however probably completely precludes him from a second run as a Vice President.  He might be Presidential material but he has proven that he doesn't have the right stuff to be Vice President.

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