Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

FCC Working to Censor Your Next 150 Channels of Nothing On Right away

The FCC cannot wait to start censoring your cable lineup.  Over the last two years the FCC has been on a rampage to censor TV.  After many years of turning a blind eye to the evolution of TV and language, the FCC started to jump in to the TV industry and has been doing a relatively poor job of it cents.

The problem is that for good or for bad the American public and the international TV industry has fundamentally changed since the 50s the 60s and the 70s.

The FCC has been losing several notorious battles regarding the public use of the F bomb on TV.  Now it's licking its wounds little bit and working to attack violence on cable.  The new attacks seem to be a bit of a waste of time and money as the FCC is unlikely to win the legal battles necessary to keep these types of regulations through a Supreme Court review.  The Supreme Court has been consistently against the idea of censorship due to indecency.

The problem that the Supreme Court always get stuck on is that indecent language to one party could be free-speech to another.  Add into this concept the idea that cable is a private enterprise as opposed to the public airwaves and the legal quagmire starts to look a lot more expensive for taxpayers that would have to foot the legal bills through all of the lawsuits and appeals all the way up to the Supreme Court.

It would appear that the head of the FCC is just using the bully pulpit of the FCC and these potential legal battles to make a bigger political name for itself.  He's basically getting free campaign financing through taxpayers money that will be used in lawsuits that will put his name in the headlines over and over and over again.

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