Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Global Warming Might be Real but is Global Flooding the Result

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Global warming may be a reality that we all have to face a day-to-day basis from this date on until the future for many hundreds of years.  However just because the globe is warming that does not necessarily indicate that the planet will flood or the shorelines will go up several feet over the next few years.  Please understand I'm not discounting the potential, however it's not an automatic result to assume and I am definitely not discounting many of the other tragic results that might stem from global warming.

What I am trying to say is that global warming doesn't necessarily mean that you or I need to give up on real estate marketing in areas such as the Gulf Coast or the coastlines.

In essence that's my roundabout way of introducing our sponsor customermagnetism.com they provide marketing real estate agents with search engine marketing results to help connect home shoppers with real estate agents.  The world may be going to heck in a handbasket but that doesn't mean that you don't need a place to live while he goes there and in the age of the Internet that also means that you need help in finding the right people to find you that home!


seo company said...

Global Warming is the worlds biggest issue we are facing now.. Very nice and informative post..

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