Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Chinese Officials Going to Jail for not Dumping their Mistresses

In an attempt by the Chinese government to crack down on the epidemic of bribery and corruption throughout the country and government, stiffer rules are being forced on Communist rulers by themselves.  Apparently after years of not being able to police their own morals, they are now going to police their own morals.

No longer will ministers be able to keep a second wife, a mistress or extra girlfriend.  Government officials and businessmen alike often keep a mistress or second wife as some sort of status symbol.

But those extra mistresses also increase the ministers financial needs making them more susceptible to bribery and corruption (not like they aren't extremely susceptible anyway).  So they are looking to dispossess a number of second wives of their husbands and mistresses of their sugar daddies.

The Communist government is taking this very seriously as they are concerned that this may threaten the party's grip on power.   

Link to Crackdown on officials with mistresses - Yahoo! News

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