Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Paris Sent Back to Jail Screams her way out of Court Room

Some things just can't be blogged fast enough.

First she's going to jail, then she's in jail, then she's getting out of jail and going home.

Then she's going to court, then she's not, then she's phone conferencing with the judge(who does that anyway?), then she's going to court in hand cuffs.

Then she's ordered back to jail, starts screaming and literally drives by a three ring circus on her way back to prison, where she will be all weekend until at least Monday, the earliest that anything can be filed.

Of course that all assumes that she stays healthy enough to remain in prison and not be sent to the hospital this weekend.  Based on commentary on Fox News some people are suspecting that she may be suffering from some type of withdrawal driving her to hysterics and uncontrollable, jittery shaking.

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