Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Stop Your Addiction in 28 Days

Many people suspect that Paris Hilton may have some form of addiction issue to deal with.  She has been living a wild and carefree life for some time.  We're not passing judgment on her lifestyle, however she does have an addiction problem than she needs help.  Getting arrested for DUI is definitely a sign that she may have at least an alcohol addiction issue.

As the nation is focused on her issues so much, it's a good time to remind people that were all human and subject to addiction issues.  With that in mind we wanted to help promote a new program in Michigan that works to stop addictions in 28 days.

This program focuses on stopping drug addiction, and can be very important for people suffering from an addiction to get help early. Legal troubles such as those being faced by Paris Hilton world one example. So far Paris has been very lucky that she is not hurt anyone nor been hurt herself due to her own issues. It's an unfortunate fact resulting from the law of averages, that someone suffering from an addiction is sooner or later going to hurt themselves or hurt another person possibly on purpose or possibly on accident. That makes it all that much more important to get help now.

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