Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thank Bush for More F-Words on Your Television

The FCC lost in court this week.  An appeals court said that an FCC decision against broadcasters for use of expletive deletive words, the F-word and others,  was enforced in an arbitrary fashion. 

The FCC didn't have clear-cut rules on how to enforce their own rules and when they did enforce them, they did not enforce those rules fairly. 

The FCC was incompetent in their enforcement.

Worse yet the FCC wasted taxpayer's money by fighting this in court.  The money spent to fight this in the first level court case, then the money spent to fight this later in an appeals court trial, plus the money spent on all the back-and-forth legal wrangling between the broadcast industry and the FCC was a massive waste of taxpayer's money.

The FCC could have put that money to better use by implementing better rules and enforcing them fairly.  Instead, they opted to play conservative politics led by people that were incompetent in the management and leadership of the FCC.  That is par for the course where the Bush administration is involved. 

Bush Incompetence Strategy 101

  1. Hire or Appoint a Political buddy a job that they do not know how to do
  2. Ignore any history of failure in other unrelated endeavors
  3. Encourage these appointees to move forward chasing political goals
  4. Ignore the law and the constitution.
  5. Support their resulting Failure by supporting the person.
  6. Ignore the actual failure, cry politics to your base and tell them at least we tried and acted on principle.
  7. Ignore the fact that nothing is executed competently.
  8. Ignore the fact that everything has to be reworked.
  9. Ignore the fact that budgets are being blown.
  10. Continue to ignore the real problems that should have been dealt with and were ignored or deprioritized originally.
  11. Ignore the suffering taxpayers that have funded this political shenanigan, by giving them a meaningless tax break, while the value of the dollar continues to decline and inflation continues to rise.

Politics over Competence is Bad for the Economy and Bad for Business

This frivolous pursuit of politics instead of competence hurts business and in this case it even hurts the political base that the Republicans were attempting to please.  Anyone that is upset about the use of expletives during TV broadcasts of any type or nature have now been handed a severe setback due to the Bush administration's incompetence.  If they hope to fight this battle again in the future, they'll have to work twice as hard and spend twice as much money to reclaim the ground that the Bush administration lost them by acting like fools and paying lip service to their right wing base.

Primary Example of Why Bush Is Bad for Religion

This is a great example of why the Bush administration has been terrible for the Christian right.  He's ineffective and he up is put in the power people that are even more incompetent than himself.  At the end of the day when he loses a battle like this in a high-profile case, it makes Bush look bad but it also makes the Christian right and religion look bad.  It sets precedence in the legal system that will be very hard to overcome.  In this case, Bush is ended up becoming the biggest proponents for filth on TV to his own incompetence.  He has essentially helped establish the case law that will allow more filth on TV. 

So if you like to hear the "F-word" on TV you can thank President Bush.

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