Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Gridlock on Gold

Many collectors and investors over the millennia have relied on Gold.  Our modern day economic system is no longer backed by a gold standard, currencies typically float on their own value.  In times of turmoil many people buy gold as a form of an insurance policy.

History shows that this has some merit, even though there are many practical decisions that must be made including where to store the gold, how to keep and more.  A recent release from our sponsor the Monex Deposit company covers their options for selling and storing various forms of gold.  They sell gold as a metal and they also sell artistically rendered gold in shapes reminiscent of historic forms of money. 

Anyone buying gold or precious metals as an investment should solely base their purchase on market prices and from that perspective follow the market closely.  The market is currently down from all time highs reached last spring, but the prices are still high. 

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