Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Kofi Annan's Farewell seen as critical of US Unilateralist Actions of recent Years

In Kofi Annan's farewell speech last week he attempted to convey a vision to those that would listen and to his incoming replacement.  His vision is that the world needs to work more closely together in a democratic organization and that power needs to be rebalanced from the strong towards the weak and from the rich towards the poor.

His comments were seen by some as a rebuke towards the White House.

He stated,

"When the United States works with multilateral partners we do extremely well.  We require the natural leadership role the United States played in the past and can play today. So, an appeal for leadership should never be seen as an attack."

Kofi Annan is like so many of his partners a politician and to pick apart his words as would be his political goal, he states, "We require the natural leadership role the United States played in the past . . ."  There is little to quibble over in this phrase but the zinger is in the final part where he finishes, " . . . and can play today."  This can only be seen as an indication that he does not feel the United States is providing multilateral leadership today.

Make no mistake his goals are to create a global democracy of United Nations.  Many groups debate the necessity for this, but as the planet continues to fill up with people the day and time will come when it will be necessary. 

However, it does not appear that the world is ready for this advance at this stage in our global development and the United Nations and even its leadership have often proven grossly inadequate for the job.  Even Kofi Annan tried to clean up some of the corruption, only to be caught up in scandals and abuse by members of his own family including his son.

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