Editorial on the news of the Day and Review of the Gridlock around the world.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Who would have thought that Lawyerly words would Create Gridlock in Florida of all places?

Indian River County, Florida is looking at a lose lose situation.  They have established requirements on residential real estate developments that appeared air tight on paper, but where the rubber hits the road air is leaking out.

A developer named Divosta Homes was charged for a development to create improvements in road capacity, however the county's assessment came in low and now the county would like to go back and bill more.  Divosta claims that this is not fair as they paid up front.

The County is confronted on the one hand with covering the road expenses themselves charging tax payers in essence or fighting a court battle that could go to the supreme court and would again be covered by taxpayer money to pay the legal bills.

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